(914) 686-0140

Divorce & Matrimonial Law

Divorce and Matrimonial Law services in and around White Plains
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No two divorces are alike. The duration and cost of the divorce process varies widely depending on the number and complexity of the issues in dispute- think child custody, assets and debt to be divided, alimony and child support, etc. The personalities of the parties and even the style of the attorney representing your spouse can have a major impact on how easily the case can be resolved. Joy will expertly and sensitively guide you through this difficult process with the goal of settling as much out of court as possible. For those issues that cannot be resolved amicably, Joy is prepared to advocate for you fiercely and tirelessly in the court room.

Legal Separation

Sometimes a couple is not ready for an actual divorce yet agrees that the time has come to live separately. Joy will sit down with you and discuss all of the steps that you should take in order to legally separate from your spouse, addressing the crucial topics of custody and visitation, child support and spousal maintenance, division of debt, allocation of assets within the context of a legal separation. Joy will then negotiate and prepare a separation agreement incorporating all of the terms that you and your spouse have agreed upon.


Joy’s preferred non-confrontational approach to resolving matrimonial conflict makes her well-suited as a Mediator and allows her to deliver excellent results when serving in this capacity. Joy received her Mediation training from the Center for Understanding in Conflict. Joy strongly believes that mediation is an excellent option for those copies who are committed to resolving their disputes without court intervention.

Review of Separation Agreements or Mediation Agreements

Do you have a separation agreement or a mediation agreement that was prepared either by an attorney representing your spouse or a mediator that you would like to have reviewed? Joy will carefully review your agreement point out potential pitfalls, suggest revisions and answer your questions about the contents of the agreement. If you wish, she will assist you in negotiating changes to the agreement which she feels are necessary to protect your interests.

Child Support and Spousal Support (Alimony)

Whether you are the person in need of support or the person from whom support is sought, Joy will ensure that you have a full understanding of the law regarding your support rights or obligations. She will review all of the calculations with you so that you will know what you should receive or what you can be expected to pay and for how long. Joy will fight for the best possible outcome, whether in or outside of the courtroom.

Prenuptial / Post-Nuptial Agreements

If you are considering a pre-nuptial or a post-nuptial agreement, Joy can fully explain the “pros’ and ‘cons”, to help you decide whether you should have one to protect your assets. Joy will skillfully draft the agreement on your behalf or will carefully review a proposed agreement that your spouse or spouse-to be is asking you to sign.

Orders of Protection/ Domestic Violence

If you are in need of an order of protection or if someone has filed for an order of protection against you, Joy will be a tenacious and knowledgeable advocate for you.


Are you seeking to move to a different geographical area with your children or are you trying to prevent the other parent from moving away with your children? Joy has handled many such relocation cases representing parents on both sides of the equation.

Contact Joy Today

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